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Teaching & Training

Curriculum in Computational Neuroscience

Upon acceptance as PhD-student in the International Graduate Program in Computational Neurosciences you will receive the "Blue Sheet" of the Graduate School from our coordinator Dr. Otto Bräunling (INF364, Heidelberg, 06221/54 8694). The Blue Sheet will guide you through the program requirements and will help you to document your participation in the obligatory and optional classes of the Program. The filled out Blue Sheet is required in order to finish your PhD-Thesis.

  • Core Classes (during winter semester; at beginning of your PhD work)
    - Lecture Series: Statistical concepts in neuroscience: A course in data analysis (WS16, Fridays 8:45 - 9:45)
    - Lecture Series: Models of Neurons and Networks (WS16, Fridays 10:00 - 11:00)

  • Regular Events (throughout your PhD work)
    - Attendance and Data Presentation at BCCN Conference (yearly)
    - Attendance and Data Presentation at BCCN Retreat (yearly)

  • Additional Requirements (throughout your PhD work)
    - Attendance at Four Practical Courses of your choice (min. 2 days each)