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M - Biophysically realistic network models of prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus (HC)

Principal investigator(s):

Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 368
D-69120 Heidelberg


Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 368
D-69120 Heidelberg


Projects within the BCCN:

The overarching aim of the project was to support the development of highly realistic models of local networks by providing simulation (NeuroDUNE) and optimization methods, and partly data resources. In a first step, we developed a new program component for parameter estimation and validated it with simulated measurements. Soon after, we needed to concentrate on experimental measurements in order to gain realistic data for multiple unknown parameters at the cellular and network levels, respectively. This was done in close cooperation with other projects, including C1, in which extracellular field and unit potentials were recorded from both PFC and hippocampal networks. At the same time, the Durstewitz lab generated a highly valid network model of the PFC based on systematically assessed physiological and anatomical data (cf. B5). Parallel work on the hippocampus focused on fast oscillations as a collective network pattern and on the physiology and anatomy of pyramidal cell axons (Bähner et al., 2011; Thome et al., 2014). The latter project revealed surprising details about the asymmetric organization of axons (frequently arising from a single dendrite) and led us to concentrate more on the cellular level in project M than initially planned, while leaving the network-level studies more up to B5.
Thus, the project stayed within the initial work program, but emphasis shifted more towards cellular physiology than initially thought. The discoveries and experimental work on axons are, however, highly relevant for understanding collective behavior of the network and are presently continued to examine the consequences for network oscillations and ensemble formation.
The project contributes to basic research on prefrontal and hippocampal networks, and results are published in international scientific journals. Especially the integration of cellular findings and tools, as provided by M, with the network level models developed in B5, may enable to explore in detail by simulation potential effects of pharmacological agents on neuronal activity and computational properties.

Participating groups:

Key publications:

(2016) Hippocampal Respiration-Driven Rhythm Distinct from Theta Oscillations in Awake Mice J Neurosci 36:162-177 .
Thome C, Kelly T, Yanez A, Schultz C, Engelhardt M, Cambridge SB, Both M, Draguhn A, Beck H, Egorov AV (2014) Axon-Carrying Dendrites Convey Privileged Synaptic Input in Hippocampal Neurons Neuron 83:1418–1430 .
Yanovsky Y, Ciatipis M, Draguhn A, Tort ABL, Brankack J (2014) Slow Oscillations in the Mouse Hippocampus Entrained by Nasal Respiration J. Neuroscience 34:5949 –5964 .
Reichinnek S, von Kameke A, Hagenston AM, Freitag E, Roth FC, Bading H, Hasan MT, Draguhn A, Both M (2012) Reliable optical detection of coherent neuronal activity in fast oscillating networks in vitro Neuroimage 60:139-152 .
(2011) Cellular correlate of assembly formation in oscillating hippocampal networks in vitro Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108:E607-616 .